Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cute and Original and Kawaii and Beautiful Blythe Dolls by Jabawocks

Jabawocks has beautiful Blythe dolls!

You just HAVE to take a look if you like dolls and etc.!

Oh, and in the Links page, there are more sites with costum blythe dolls, so take a look there too!

Cute and Adorable and Kawaii and Colorful Stuff at

This site is in Japanese, and I don't believe there is another language version of it available, but it has ADORABLE stuff!

Great to take ideas from for example. (:

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cute and Creative and Kawaii and Adorable Bags and Pin Cushions at BethsBagz on Etsy

Although her whole shop has only cute and adorable and unresistable bags, I personally love more then anything her original Pin Cushions!

Aren't they sweet?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cute and Kawaii and Useful Japanese Craft Magazines from Red Colander at Flickr

Red Colander at Flickr has a few craft magazines, like felt, amigurumi and others, but it doesn't have much of the magazine's instructions, it has some, but mostly it's just the dolls from the magazines.

Still, I think it's worth looking and taking ideas out of. (:

Funky and Kawaii and Funny and Cute Drawings at Exhausted

'Exhausted' is the name of the blog, I presume(original:
くたくた ; I used Google's translator).

It has some nice drawings, you should give a look:

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cute and Colorful and Kawaii and Adorable Magazine called MIG Made In Girl

I haven't read it yet, but I found it on a blog(don't remember wich, sorry~) that it was super cute.

And the best part? It's free!

Click on the tab "SUPPLEMENT" and choose "issue #1" to see the first issue.

I hope they make more free issues soon!

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